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SHOCKING NEWS: Prince Harry Forced to Skip Uncle’s Funeral. Here’s The Home Office Rule That’s Keeping Him Away…

EXCLUSIVE: The Duke of Sussex will likely miss the service for Robert Fellowes next week because his team must give 28 days’ advance notice of his plans to visit the UK so that there can be an appropriate security plan put in place.


Prince Harry’s relationship with his friends and family has been affected by the Home Office’s decision to downgrade his security, it has been claimed.


A source revealed that while the Duke’s UK-based friends are eager to spend more time with him, the requirement to give 28 days’ notice before arriving in the country restricts his visits to special occasions or public events planned well in advance.


The source added that the situation has become so bad Harry will likely miss his uncle Robert Fellowes’ funeral next week because his team must notify the Home Office 28 days in advance of his plans to visit the UK to establish an appropriate security plan.


“Harry didn’t have plans to visit the UK this summer so when something last-minute arises like a funeral, it becomes a very difficult situation to navigate,” said the source.


“Harry would like to spend more time in Britain, but it’s a logistical nightmare for his team due to ongoing security issues.”


When asked if a special concession would be made for visiting the UK for unexpected events like a family funeral, a government spokesman said: “The UK Government’s protective security system is rigorous and proportionate. It is our long-standing policy not to provide detailed information on those arrangements, as doing so could compromise their integrity and affect individuals’ security.


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