‘Break His F–Ing Neck’: Tiger Woods Unleashed His Fury in 2008 After Media Pushed Him Too Far

How much does an athlete’s performance get affected by the media? Media coverage is a two-edged sword in the realm of professional sports. On the one hand, it delivers popularity throughout the world, increasing their fan base, enhancing sponsorship deals, and making them household names. However, it can be distracting, particularly when the media blurs a few boundaries, something Tiger Woods experienced firsthand.
Even the smallest distraction can throw off a golfer like Tiger Woods, whose game depends on accuracy. His reputation as the G.O.A.T. has been greatly influenced by media coverage, a hot-cold scenario. So, there have been many memorable instances when it’s not just the ball flying, but a few choice words too. Let’s look at exactly what occurred.
Tiger Woods had won seven straight at the WGC CA Championship at Doral in March 2008, and he was in the middle of an incredible winning run. But his attempt to get an eighth was ruined by an incident that brought attention to the conflict between players and the media. During his backswing on the par-three ninth hole, Woods mishit the ball because the shutter of a photographer’s camera clicked as he was getting ready to make his shot.